View Profile Morrow28
My name is Tyler, I am 25. I've always enjoyed drawing, but never tried anything too complex. I've had a, let's say, 5 year break from drawing regularly and I am starting again. I'm not very good yet but hope to improve with practice here.

Age 33, Male

Pastry Chef

The Art Institute of Phoenix


Joined on 4/1/17

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I am getting back into drawing after a 5 year break. Never was that great, but could pass on acceptable things from time to time. My  frist child (little boy) is being born in 2 months and I want to Ryan. so on my family's artistic talents if I can. I'm much better at making crafty things, but would like to improve my drawing skills because drawing can be done anytime, promotes creative thinking, and can be done with the cheapest cost and most readily available supplies (pencil and paper). So that's why I'm here, to document my progress, to give myself extra incentive to draw (to post here as regularly as I can), and to get tips and advise to improve my skills.


This is a challenge from Jazza's Arty Games, I believe a concept challenge but can't remember off the top of my head. I was given the challenge to draw a Cyclops that had a daunting battle axe, who was eating. I plan to color it with colored pencils or my phone and will upload that as well.


Thanks for reading all of that if you did. If you have tips or suggestions I'd appreciate them. And have a great day!


-TylerA Cyclops who has a daunting battle axe, that is eating.

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